
Such a beautiful share, Becky. Cheering you on in your journey with sobriety and showing up as YOU.

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Thank you so much, Dana. And thank you so much for asking me to be a part of this. 🖤

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Apr 3Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Becky Handley

Thank you Becky for sharing your experience strength and hope. I too think the biggest surprise was how much I put others above myself, and how much I craved and needed to be liked and to be seen as “normal"

I think this kept me drinking longer than I wanted and I to did not have a harsh "rock bottom" and still fear being seen as boring as I too love going to bed by 9pm and rising early to write. I got sober in the middle of Covid after I've had enough with the anxiety and despression and saw my then 13 year old daughter adopting the same coping mechanisms as her dear momma. Today I am sober for over 3 years and my now 17 year old is almost always the designated driver when she goes out and comes home sober and safe every night. I am extremely grateful for platforms where I can hear stories that I can relate to and know I am not alone in this society where extroversion and alcohol are praised. Where if you don't drink people assume something is wrong with you. My mom has a heroin addiction, I always told myself at least it's not a needle, at least I take care of my children, and I could go on and on with my denial. It was so thick covered in Vodka. Thank you again ❤️ #sober11/04/2020

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Thank you so much, Cassandra.

And thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I feel the exact same way - if it wasn't for worrying about what other people thought I would have become sober much sooner.

Congratulations on your 3+ years. That is amazing. You are amazing! 🖤

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Beautiful, Cassandra! Huge recognition and celebration of your choices and journey!

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Apr 3Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Becky Handley

This really moved me. Thank you for sharing it.

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Apr 4Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Becky Handley

Celebrating you Becky! I love that your journey to sobriety has led you to connect with who you really are - it was the same for me. Thank you for sharing your story x

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Thank you so much, Ellie. I am happy that you have experienced the same thing.

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Apr 3Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Becky Handley

Such a great share, Becky! I particularly liked how you listened to your core needs and pushed past the expectations of needing a rock bottom to "qualify" as a person who needs to remove alcohol.

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Thank you so much, Allison!

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Apr 3Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Becky Handley

Great article. Congratulations! It’s nice to get sober without having to hit a gigantic bottom. It’s encouraging to those who might be curious and inspirational to us all!

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Thank you so much, William. That is very kind. I do hope it helps others see that they don't need to hit a rock bottom, like Dana's article helped me to see that. 🖤

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Apr 3Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Becky Handley

I relate to so much of your experience, Becky. Thank you for sharing 🧡 The “rock bottom is wherever you stop digging” adage was a huge turning point for me.

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Thank you so much, Kaitlyn. I love that adage and I will definitely remember it! 🖤

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