
Thank you so much for sharing, Julie. I love how you frame your "conscious uncoupling" from alcohol and how much brighter and more expansive life sounds on this side of sobriety. (Feels that way for me too.)

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Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share!

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Apr 11Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Julie Fontes

Top fan of yours Julie listen to all your posts

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Thank You!

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Apr 11Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Julie Fontes

Yes! I so love the reframing of sobriety as a reward rather than a punishment! I feel tuned in to everything, entirely present and available, I'm never sick unless some random lurgy brings me down, and I take enormous pleasure in doing all the daily things that need to be done - even the things I used to tell myself I hated, like exercise 😊. Sobriety is the most gorgeous gift that we give ourselves daily. I would never have guessed that two years ago! Thank you so much for your wonderful writing. I love that you're advising us all not by giving words of advice but be providing a wonderful example of what life can look like beyond the bottle. 🙏

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Thank you, Michelle! I do really think it’s such an individual thing for everyone, and too often I see people treating the end of drinking as though it’s a death when it’s anything but.

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Beautifully put, Michelle!

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Apr 10Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Julie Fontes

What you said about overstimulation is so true. I’ve had some comments (toward me and my sobriety and also clients wondering about) like “Well, I just won’t want to stay as long if I’m sober.” And I’m like, yeah, because you can feel that you’re done. You’re ready to leave. You’ve had enough. That awareness was never available while drinking. I now look at hangovers as obviously physiological but also a representation of not having been able to hear my own signals. Begging me to call it. To rest. To restore. To do things I actually like to do.

Being available to make a quesadilla really made me chuckle.

And this final line, slayed me, “You don’t have to be sober. You get to be sober.”

Yes yes yes. Tattoo it on my body.

Thank you Julie. 🩷🩷

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The overstimulation thing took years to wrap my head around. I finally understand that I overdid it the worst and sometimes blacked out at parties because I DON’T ENJOY THEM. If you don’t want to do it without alcohol, maybe you just don’t want to do it.

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Yessss 👏🏽 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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Apr 10Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons, Julie Fontes

Love this Julie! Holly & Annie were a HUGE part of my recovery too x

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Me too! I love knowing that so many of us have these shared guides and reference points.

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Apr 17Liked by Dana Leigh Lyons

It seems that, as you’ve become present to yourself in sobriety, your true self has become more present to you.

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Love this! So encouraging to hear other stories of recovery 🙏🏼

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